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JURY 2024 Effie Awards EuropeThe Effie Awards Europe Jury is Co-Chaired by Harrison Steinhart, Global Strategy Director, DDB Paris and Iva Bennefeld,VP Marketing for Mondelez Central Europe, Mondelez International.
Web Design Company in coimbatore | ECommerce Website DevelopmentAs a top web design company in Coimbatore, India, we provide ECommerce website development services from Coimbatore. Best shopify alternative in India.
Bob HazlettMarketing Director with 15+ years of experience leading and implementing marketing strategies for Fortune 500 companies, startups, and non-profits. Designs and implements unbeatable marketing growth initiatives to increa
Sega-16 The world s premier resource for SEGA s arcade and console hThe world s premier resource for SEGA s arcade and console hardware legacy!
Ad Management Marketing Automation Tools | StriqueUt enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat aute irure dolor
Rishank JhavarLearn more about Rishank Jhavar, a remote marketing director with more than five years of experience in B2B IT marketing and sales.
A look back at YouTube ShoppingBy Cenk Bulbul, Global Marketing Director, YouTube Shopping
Sudden Ventures, Inc.Sean is the sole visionary, graphic designer, marketing director, business developer, I.T. administrator, search engine optimization guru, and Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP developer for Sudden Ventures.
SCOTT SILVER | MARKETING | DESIGN | PHOTOGRAPHYCreative Director/Marketing Director with a core competency in Web/Packaging/Photography/Inbound Marketing & skills to manage and lead your strategic marketing initiatives.
Crazy Cash CowFrom the Desk of Goddy Ken Madukwe, Affiliate Marketing Director Of Crazy Cash Cow
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